The Lealman CRA Advisory Committee is holding its September meeting virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
How to participate in the meeting:
Members of the public wishing to address the body may do so virtually by visiting: or call into the Zoom meeting by dialing: 1-929-205-6099.
You will be asked to enter a meeting ID and password.
The meeting ID for the September 23rd meeting is 821 6558 2812 and the password is 609442.
Providing comments in advance:
Those wishing to provide comments on any agenda item are encouraged to do so in advance. The following are available options for comments:
-Complete the Comment Form
-Call the Lealman Exchange at 727-464-5404.
Comments on any agenda item must be submitted by 5 p.m. the day before the meeting.
Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may provide public input on any agenda item through use of the State of Florida’s relay service at 7-1-1.
All comments on any agenda item received by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting will be included as part of the official record for this meeting and will be available to be considered by the Advisory Committee prior to any action taken.
Visual Presentation Materials, Documents, or Photos Public comments in virtual meetings are audio only. All presentation materials, documents, or photos that are to be presented or entered into the record for a public hearing item MUST BE RECEIVED NOT LATER THAN TWO (2) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING.
Materials, documents, or photos for a public hearing should be submitted via email or mail. Email Address (for submitting materials, documents, and photos ONLY):
-Mailing Address: Lealman Exchange 5175 45th St. N., Building A Lealman, FL 33714
All submissions MUST be accompanied by information that contains:
-The identity of the sender
-Contact information for the sender
-The Agenda date and Agenda Number
Failure to comply with these provisions may result in the submission not being available for the meeting.
Answers to questions on the submission of Presentation Materials, Documents or Photos for Public Hearings may be received by calling 727-464-5404.
Reasonable accommodation requests during COVID-19 pandemic Persons with disabilities who need to request reasonable accommodation(s) to effectively participate in this meeting may contact Pinellas County’s Office of Human Rights.
As Pinellas County is currently operating under a Declaration of Emergency relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and is practicing CDC recommended social distancing protocols, staff from the Office of Human Rights is working remotely from the office.
Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are asked to e-mail such requests to both and to at least three (3) business days in advance of the need for reasonable accommodation. You may also call (727) 464-4882. More information about the ADA, and requests for reasonable accommodation, may be found on the Office of Human Rights website.
Lealman CRA Advisory Committee public participation and decorum rules Decorum for virtual meetings:
Please be respectful of others’ opinions, and refrain from making personal attacks. Any person who becomes disorderly or who fails to confine remarks to the identified subject or business at hand shall be cautioned by the Chair and given the opportunity to conclude remarks on the subject in a decorous manner and within the designated time limit.
Any person failing to comply as cautioned may be barred from making any additional comments during the meeting by the Chair, unless permission to continue or again address the Committee is granted by the majority of the Committee members present.
If the Chair or Committee declares a virtual participant to be out of order, he or she may be muted by the moderator. All remarks shall be addressed to the Committee as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than a member of the Committee and the person having the floor, may be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Committee, without permission of the Chair. No questions may be asked except through the Chair. Speakers should make their comments concise and to the point.
Public comment procedures:
Participants may speak for up to three (3) minutes on the item through the virtual meeting webinar or call-in phone number. At the appropriate time during the meeting, instructions will be given to those on the webinar or on the phone how to indicate that they wish to speak. When called on to comment, you must state and spell your name, and say your address, before commenting.